Monday, December 20, 2010

Feed Pg 264-300

    During their trip to the mountains, Titus and Violet get into an argument after Titus stops Violet tells him  she wanted to loose her virginity to him before she dies. This makes Titus realize that he sees her as already dead. Like a zombie. Violet expresses that she just wanted to get a boyfriend like a normal girl, do normal things, and become more anturally laid back and just have fun--live! But Titus takes this the wrong way and start arguing. They went home that night. The next day, Violet offered a truce and apologizes. Titus ignored her and goes out with Quendy a few months later. Bad things started happeneing, like hair and skin falling off of people. One night Titus receives a message from Violet's father so he decided it was urgent and visits her. Violet was trapped in her own body. She couldn't speak. Couldn't move. Yet she was still somewhat conscious. Violets father yells at Titus, explaining to him that Titus had made Violet apologize for being sick. For being courageous. For dying. This must've hit Titus hard because the next day when he goes to visit her, he tells her stories on the news. Then he cries for the first time, telling Violet about their story. The story of a normal guy and a girl with the heart of gold in the final days of America. They have adventures together and learn an important lesson about love and to resist the feed. At the end ''Everything Must Go'' is repeated and fades out in little fonts. This either symolizes Violet's death, her final thoughts, or Titus' realization of the bad affects of the Feed.

''Sometimes that made me feel kind of tired. It was like I kept buying these things to be cool, but cool was always flying just ahead of me, and I could never exactly catch up to it. I felt like I'd been running toward it for a lone time.'' (Anderson, 279)

     I chose that quote because it showed that Titus realized that in the world of the Feed, you can never quite achieve your goals. This is because the Feed provides new things, new statements, and new definitions of 'cool' everyday, crushing anyones hopes of ever becoming what they want. Their ideal model of perfect or who they want to be always molts and changes. Titus realizes that he's been trying to chase unrealistic goals that he'll never achieve.

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